Construction Management Plans

In last month’s post, we took a closer look at Landscape and Ecological Management Plans (LEMPs) in association with development projects. Following on from this, we focus on Construction Management Plans and the role of an Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW).


What is a Construction Management Plan?

As the name suggests, a Construction Management Plan is a document that prescribes the means by which ecological issues in relation to a development, are managed throughout the construction phase of the works. This type of document is subject to a range of different titles, for example, a Construction Ecological/Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) and a Code of Construction Practice (CoCP); however, the essence of such a plan and its purpose, are generally the same.


When is a Construction Management Plan required?

As with an LEMP, a Construction Management Plan is typically required in association with larger/more complex development projects where a number of ecological features of interest/constraints have been identified as part of the assessment process and need managing as part of the construction phase. It can be integral to a protected species licensing application, or be conditioned as part of planning permission; it can also be produced to ensure that the scheme is undertaken in line with legislation, relevant policy and best practice.


What does a Construction Management Plan include?

The contents of a Construction Management Plan will vary according to the site and development proposals; however, the document typically sets out the ecological risks and features of importance that need managing as part of the works, it prescribes in detail how each of these will be managed to ensure that legislation and best practice is not contravened as part of the construction.


Measures can include toolbox talks to the construction team to ensure that they understand the ecological risks on site, sensitive timing of works to avoid important life-stages for a species or habitat, ongoing surveys, and sensitive methods of habitat clearance and construction, such as clearance using hand tools and within certain hours of the day. It can also include the provision of an ecological watching brief through certain stages, or all stages, of the construction programme, which is where an ecologist is present on site to supervise the works and ensure that it is carried out as required.


How is a Construction Management Plan implemented?

An ECoW is typically contracted to implement the Construction Management Plan and is responsible for ensuring that approved methodology is adhered to during the construction phase. They usually deliver toolbox talks to the team, keep an ongoing record of ecological issues throughout the construction phase and are there to guide, undertake checks and surveys, deal with any unforeseen issues that may arise and supervise the works in line with the ecological risks and constraints that have been identified as part of the previous assessment process.


How can The Ecology Co-op help?

Our ecologists are experienced in guiding development projects from initial conception through to construction and beyond. We can produce Construction Management Plans that are tailored to your project and can also act as ECoW during construction. Please contact us with any enquiries – we would be delighted to assist


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