Biodiversity Net Gain

What is Biodiversity Net Gain?

Biodiversity net gain (BNG) ensures that a development has a measurably positive impact (e.g. net gain) on biodiversity compared to the site’s existing ecological value. This involves measuring the baseline value of habitats on a site as ‘biodiversity units’ and guaranteeing that through development the value of these units will increase. Early inclusion of ecologists within a development’s design stages maximises chances of achieving BNG. However, BNG is not always possible, so in these cases credits must be purchased from a landowner or broker that has achieved an uplift in biodiversity units to offset the impact of a development.

What happens during a BNG assessment?

In an effort to prioritise the preservation and enhancement of natural habitats, new environmental act legislation is being developed to ensure that developers demonstrate a measurable 10% increase in biodiversity, under Schedule 7A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as inserted by Schedule 14 of the Environment Act 2021). The legislation surrounding BNG is currently evolving, so please get in touch to discuss your development project in detail.

For developers

Baseline Survey

The first stage of a Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment usually accompanies a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal. An ecologist will survey the site, identify all habitats, and assess each habitat’s condition, which will be given a grade of “Good”, “Moderate” or “Poor”. The findings are documented using UKHab Mapping and will be used to calculate the sites current biodiversity score using the UK Government’s Biodiversity Metric - this metric utilises a formula comprised of the size, location, quality and type of habitats on a site before and after development works have taken place.

Habitat Management & Monitoring Plan (HMMP)

Our ecologists work closely with landowners and developers to establish habitat management and monitoring plans (HMMP) in line with the site layout and landscaping plans and Biodiversity Metric. These plans may include enhancing existing habitats or creating new ones, e.g. planting wildflower meadows, hedges and trees.

Off-site offsetting

If it’s not possible to achieve Biodiversity Net Gain on-site through habitat creation or enhancement, off-site offsetting can be considered. Get in touch to find out more.

For landowners

Landowners can sell Biodiversity Credits through brokerages or local authorities, such as the South Downs National Park when increasing biodiversity on their land.

Get in touch to arrange an initial baseline survey and Habitat Management and Monitoring (HMMP) plan with one of our experienced ecologists. Once the data from both the baseline survey and HMMP has been collated, our team will use the UK Government’s Biodiversity Metric to calculate the total number of credits the site could earn. These credits represent the net gain achieved on the site's biodiversity and can be purchased by developers to offset their own impacts.

If preferred, The Ecology Co-op are able to assist with implementing the HMMP on site - planting wildflower meadows, hedge laying, tree planting and more.

Get in touch
+44 (0) 1798 861800

Unit 4, Langham Stables
Langham Lane
GU28 9BU

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