About Meerabai
Meerabai Kings
Assistant Ecologist
Meerabai is an assistant ecologist, having joined the Ecology Co-op in May 2024. She graduated from the University of Bristol in 2021 with an MSci in Biology, with a focus on social behaviour in insects. Since graduating, Meerabai has lived in Scotland, working first as a wildlife guide and then as a graduate ecologist. In Scotland, Meerabai carried out bat, pine marten, red squirrel, otter, badger, black grouse, raptor and breeding bird surveys as well as habitat suitability surveys for capercaillie. With a keen interest in ornithology, she has carried out bird surveys for the JNCC, the RSPB and Chichester Harbour Conservancy as a volunteer, as well as water vole surveys for the MWHG here in West Sussex.
Meerabai’s main interests include birds, bats, dormice, badgers and she is keen to expand her botany skills and work towards her FISC. She is also looking to attain her Bat Level 1 license. She has worked on a range of projects from residential dwellings to large-scale energy and transport infrastructure.
Outside of work, Meerabai enjoys beach combing, kayaking, crafting and baking and she is working towards her T-permit for bird ringing.
Key experience:
Survey experience for bats, birds and badgers
Experience using camera traps and leading badger bait marking
Report writing, including PEAs, bat emergence and ornithology monitoring reports
ArcMap mapping, particularly mapping breeding bird territories
R data analysis
Contact Meerabai